Pharaoh ramses ii biography
Pharaoh ramses ii biography

pharaoh ramses ii biography

Before the battle, Ramses went twice to take control of some coastal lands near the Nile delta where the Sherdans were, who were allies of Hittites, according to Ramses II. Because the Hittites were attacking the trade route destined for Egyp, it became much more of a threat rather than an annoyance. 1 The Battleĭuring the fifth year of his reign, young Ramses started his journey towards the city of Kadesh in Syria from Per-Ramesses, which is also called House of Ramses. But the Hittite troops were prepared early and camped near the Orontes river, at Kadesh. Now as ruler of the nineteenth dynasty, Ramses II, who ruled for 66 years and 2 months, had to deal with the incursion of Kadesh and drive away the Hittites. Later Seti I captured Kadesh for Egypt but it was taken back by the Hittite King Muwatalli II. Later, the father of Ramses, Seti I, started a war in Anatolia with the Hittites in order to get back the northern provinces that were now under the Hittites’ control.

pharaoh ramses ii biography pharaoh ramses ii biography

By the time of Tutankhamun, the Hittites had become more powerful and reinforced that power all the way to the borders of Egypt. After that, General Horemheb campaigned for Akhenaton in struggles with the Hittites, but was unsuccessful. Many threatening letters from the Hittites were sent to Pharaoh Akhenaton, but he failed to reply to them. Statue of Ramses II- Luxor Temple, Egypt| 2015 |”Wikicommons The Threat of the Hittitesįrom the second millennium to around 1530 BCE, the Anatolian Hittites grew in power and replaced Babylonia as the most powerful in the region, and then they began targeting Egypt’s strength. Ramses II was determined to overcome these conflicts, and what resulted was the Battle of Kadesh with the Hittites. After the banishing of the most recent invaders, the Hyksos, the Egyptian rulers of the New Kingdom tried to expand Egypt’s borders, but those attempts only led to territorial conflicts. Before Ramses II, his father and many previous rulers wanted to solve this conflict to make Egypt safe from foreign attack. For this reason, there had been a long-term struggle between the Egyptians and their rivals in the region, the Hittites. That’s why the mighty ruler of Egypt, Ramses II eagerly wanted to capture the land including Kadesh for Egyptian commerce and for the deliberate expansion of Egypt into Syria. One of the major trading centers for Egypt was the Syrian city of Kadesh, which connected trade routes from the region of Mesopotamia, the Hittite empire in Anatolia, and Egypt.


But trade was one of the major drivers of the Egyptian economy from the earliest of times. The ancient Egyptian civilization was famous for many things, but mostly for gold, attire, magnificent architecture, and the pharaohs.

pharaoh ramses ii biography

When we talk about mummies and pyramids, what comes to everyone’s mind is Egypt.

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  • Pharaoh ramses ii biography